dire au revoir, c’est difficile

29 May 2009 at 11:47 am 4 comments

DSCN7074My best friends – Tahvia, Emily, Alli, Bre (and me)

C’est mon dernier soir ici à Cannes. Je suis triste. C’est difficile de dire au revoir – à Cannes, à mes amis, à la langue… C’était une expérience inoubliable, cette semestre… C’était comme  une grande vacance, comme une rêve.

Ce soir, je dois dire au revoir à mes amis. Ça sera triste, aussi. On va sortir pour diner dans quelques minutes.

J”ai pris cette photo ce matin. Il faisait tres beau.

Je ne veux pas partir.


It’s my last evening here in Cannes. I am sad. It’s difficult to say goodbye – to Cannes, to my friends, to the language… It was an unforgettable experience, this semester… It was like a grand vacation, like a dream.

Tonight, I must say goodbye to my friends. That will be sad, too. We are going to go out for dinner in a few minutes.

I took this photo this morning. It was very beautiful.

I don’t want to leave.

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

amfAR soirée

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Victoria  |  29 May 2009 at 12:39 pm

    Mon chaton,
    I think one of the things that helps most with the reverse culture shock and missing France will be keeping in touch with your friends. Really. Write back and forth to each other in French about how weird it is to be back (‘cuz it is weird. Really weird, I promise.) and how you miss the beach in the morning. Being able to talk to someone who knows what it was like is so important, and it’ll help ease you back in to being here.

    And remember, even though you’re leaving an amazing place, you’re coming home to people who love you to pieces! *hugs*
    Love always,

  • 2. Michel & Judith Chertier  |  29 May 2009 at 9:35 pm

    Have followed your blogs with tremendous enjoyment. Thank you for letting us share in your great adventure. Judith & Michel

  • 3. Janet  |  31 May 2009 at 6:54 pm

    je pense que tu est vraiment le meilleur, et le plus gentille file du monde. je suis si heureux du fait que nous etions amis pendant les 4 mois. l’au revoir, c’est pas tellement grave comme ca. on va se revoir, et avec l’internet, ca va etre plus facile de parler entre nos amies meme si nous serons separes pendant longtemps.

    soyez heureux ma puce, et un gros bis,


  • 4. Victoria  |  1 June 2009 at 6:17 pm

    Je sais que dire au revoir c’est difficile, mais je suis tres heureux que tu est la maintenant!


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Sarah in Cannes

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